The "silver" people among us! Who are they?

The professor Yuri P.Uliyanov has established that every third among us is a "silver".
Constitution of the silver people is programmed to use silver in immunity,
protective and vital processes, therefore they require ions of silver,
for example, in silver water - sacred water, silver utensils and silver ornaments.
The alternative medicines for silver do not exist, therefore for silver already
today traditional ways of medicimal therapy require reconsideration.


Seasonal rhinitis and silver drops for a nose.

Acut rhinitis and "Silver People" among us.

Peculiarities of the therapy of the chronic ethmoiditis when treating "Silver People".


Seasonal rhinitis and silver drops for a nose.

Uliyanov Y.P. J.Vrach. 1998; (4):40. (in Russian)  



To treat acute rhinitis caused by common cold, a test was carried out to select an individual kind of nasal drops with consideration of the features of the individual protective response of the nasal mucosa, according to the author's method (Russia's patent No 95,112,165). In the process of the test, it has been established that two kinds of drops (the silver colloid solution in form of 5% sol.Collargoli and a mixture of sol.Furacilini 1:5,000 and 1% sol.Dimedroli in proportion from 1:10 to 1:1) exercise the diametrically opposed impact on the protective response of the nasal mucosa. Whereas the silver-containing drops administered in one half of the nose caused the mucosa to show a marked protective response with the mucosa being congested, the nose stuffed and the nasal discharge appearing and removing the irritating drug, the other half of the nose with the administered dimedrol-containing drops did not manifest any protective response of the mucosa, as the latter became dry, pale and sharply decreased as if through the action of the vasoconstrictor drugs. However, whereas the nasal mucosal response was favorable to the silver-containing drops in one half of the nose, the other half always showed the sharp protective response to the dimedrol-containing drops. This was confirmed through an examination of 1,000 patients aged from two months to 87 years, with the proportion of males to females being nearly equal. Later on, these patients administered successfully the selected drugs to treat acute rhinitis in 2-3 days. At the same time, it has turned out that the negative response to silver was demonstrated in most patients examined by us (in over 60% of them silver medicaments are poisonous). A favorable response to silver was found in 37% of the patients. They like silver and even need this element just like aristocrats of old times who used to apply widely silver decorations and to take foods from silver dishes, which is probably not accidental. Therefore, we have named these persons the "silver people". The above-mentioned test is recommended to everybody who either is susceptible to acute rhinitis to choose the most efficient treatment or gets in touch with silver to avoid negative consequences of toxic character for those who cannot endure silver. The therapeutic administration of silver should be also reconsidered for those silver people who are especially in need of this element.  


Season-related rhinitis (acute rhinitis caused by common cold) is known to have a relatively easy course but to affect most of the population interfering with the ability to work and causing a considerable economic damage. According to the American data, forty million Americans fall ill annually with a loss averaging billions of dollars (R.M.Naclerio, 1997). Besides, there is an increasing trend in the incidence rate of rhinitis (V.T.Palchun, Y.A.Ustyanov, N.D.Dmitryev 1982; S.Z.Piskunov.,G.Z.Piskunov, 1991; S.Z.Piskunov.,G.Z.Piskunov et all.1994; G.Z.Piskunov. 1994; R.A.Zabirov, Sh.Kh.Khasanov, 1997). Common methods of treatment of rhinitis are identical in their efficiency taking a period of a week, as a rule, but without the 100-percent success rate. Therefore, the chase for the most efficient methods of treating rhinitis goes on. A problem has arisen to pick up the individual method of treatment for every patient. In clinical practice there is a three-day method of choosing medicaments. The method consists in administration of the most suitable drug for three days with observation of the clinical picture. If, in three days, the treatment with this particular drug turns out to be inefficient or if the patient's state deteriorates, the drug is replaced with another one and the process is repeated. In treating acute rhinitis caused by common cold, the three-day method of choosing medicaments is of little use, as in the course of a week as few as two medicaments can be applied, whereas the patient recovers without treatment within an average period of seven days, with a considerable amount of possible medicaments and methods of treatment being untested. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a less time-consuming method of choosing individual medicaments to treat rhinitis.  


We found the necessary solution thanks to the observed marked response of the nasal mucosa to irritating factors. This response of the nasal mucosa can be seen in everyday life, when draughts or irritation of the nasal mucosa with pulverized detergents (seen in many persons) cause fits of sneezing accompanied with increased secretion of mucus and temporary stuffiness in the nose. This response of the nasal mucosa to an irritating factor is an obvious manifestation of successive stages of the mucosal protective function that appears nearly immediately and ends in three-five minutes without any traces, as the profuse nasal discharges removes the irritating factor completely from the nose. Making use of this protective response of the nasal mucosa to the irritating action of substances that get into the nose, we have developed an express-method of picking up medicaments for the most efficient treatment of acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa, including rhinitis caused by common cold. The method was called "functional test" (Russia's patent No 95,112,165). The method consists in introduction of different drugs in both halves of the nose with observation over the protective response of the nasal mucosa in these halves to establish the most suitable medicament for every patient. When the most suitable medicament was administered, the nasal mucosa showed an obvious favorable (positive) response instead of the protective one, as the mucosa became as if revived, with its surface getting dry and pale, whereas the lumen of the nasal passages increased thanks to an active decrease in the volume of the mucosa. This was a relief for the patients as both stuffiness in the nose and the sensation of weight in the forehead were removed. When an inadequate drug is administered into the nose, the response of the mucosa was obviously negative, which was manifested in the active protective reaction with a fit of sneezing, profuse discharges of the mucus, and stuffiness in the nose because of the mucosal congestion. These signs stopped in three to five minutes without consequences. To increase the test precision and shorten the test time, medicaments with contrary mechanism of action were introduced in both halves of the nose at the same time. This approach permitted an immediate determination of the group of drugs to be searched for the most suitable medicament. The examination was carried out in 1,000 patients aged from two months to 87 years, with the proportion of males to females being nearly equal. The age groups were also approximately similar.  


The results were somewhat unexpected. It has turned out that the silver colloid solution in form of 5% sol.Collargoli and a mixture of sol.Furacilini 1:5,000 and 1% sol.Dimedroli in proportion from 1:10 to 1:1) exercise the diametrically opposed impact on the protective response of the nasal mucosa. Being administered in different halves of the nose of a patient, these drugs always exercised contrary responses. If the nasal mucosa responds negatively to the silver-containing drops, the other half of the nose always gives a positive reaction, i.e. the absence of the protective response, with the nasal mucosa getting dry and pale, whereas the lumen of the nasal passages increased and breathing improved. A favorable response to the Collargol solution was found in 37% of the patients irrespective of the sex or age. They were treated for acute rhinitis with the use of the silver-containing drops that exercised an active anti-inflammatory influence on the nasal mucosa so that against the background of general anti-inflammatory therapy the signs of acute rhinitis could be eliminated in two-three days instead of usual seven days. Patients with a positive response to the mixture of the furacilin and dimedrol solutions were treated with these drugs, which also permitted elimination of acute rhinitis in two-three days. However, in treating the latter group of patients an additional individual choice was needed as to the proportion between sol.Furacilini 1:5,000 and 1% sol.Dimedroli on the basis of the tickling sensation caused by the drops in the patient's nose. When the burning sensation was felt in the nose, the amount of Dimedrol in the mixture was reduced to receive the light tickling sensation. On the other hand, when there was no tickling sensation in the nose, the share of Dimedrol was enlarged to provoke this sensation. This permitted an individual choice of the maximum efficient dose of the medicament. Later on patients themselves applied the nose drops chosen for them to treat the next case of acute rhinitis with the same permanent effect that we have observed for over ten years.  


Therefore, we have been lucky to establish two completely opposite groups of patients which differ in the attitude of their body to silver preparations and silver itself, so that we have named patients with the positive attitude to silver as "silver people". A deeper research into the features of these "silver people" has allowed us to discover an especially favorable attitude of their body to silver preparations. Many of them wore silver decorations which appealed more to them than gold ones. They used silver dishes (like ancient aristocrats who seem to have introduced silver tableware not through mere chance), treated successfully their diseases with "silver" water taken in churches and called "holy water" or prepared it themselves with the help of various electric devices that are commercially available on a large scale, e.g. the so called "independent water ionizer" produced by Radiy company for enrichment of the drinking water with silver ions to disinfect it in field conditions, at one's country cottage or in the city, etc. There are publications on successful application of "silver" water in attending for operating wounds (B.Grede und J.L.Beyer, 1896; G.N.Schingnitz, 1933; I.M.Ayzman and G.Ia.Ioset,1936; V.M.Aristovskiy,1940; Y.G.Kadyashev, A.L.Dekhtyar, P.T.Litvinov, F.I.Raik, 1995; etc). Books and dissertations have been written on positive experiences with silver application in medicine. New silver preparations have been developed, such as silver sulphadiazine proposed by the American scientist Ch.L.Fox (1968), elargol produced through electric distribution of silver in water (Tbilisi Chemical Works), poviargol, a highly dispersed metallic silver in the colloid medium (StPetersburg), and the silver-coated nylon, widely applied abroad since the 80-es. There are rumors of appearance of "new" silver which opens broad prospects in treatment of suppurative processes in surgical patients (E.S.Savadyan, 1989,1989.). However, many authors register cases of inefficient application of silver in treating suppurative wounds (in 27 percent of cases), with the microbe population increasing in the wound ( B.Khromov,1939 etc.) There is a group of patients that display a negative response to silver with a sensation of an unpleasant weight. For these persons silver and its preparations are noxious and even toxic, which is confirmed with an increasing amount of publications. A considerable damage to the DNA structure has been recorded (B.Norden, J.Matsuoka, T.Kurucsev, 1986). Silver has turned out to act as a probable mutagen, too (N.V.Reutova, V.A.Shevchuk, 1991; N.V.Reutova 1993.). The embryotoxic effect of the silver ions has been described by M.M.Shavlovskaya, N.A.Chebotar, L.A.Konopitseva, E.T.Zakharov, A.M.Kachurin, B.V.Vasilyeva, V.S.Gaitskhoki (1994). General argyrosis caused by self-therapy with silver and cases of chronic intoxication with silver have been reported by N.A.Burg, I.Shevchuk (1995). Some authors consider this negative reaction of the body to silver as allergy to this element and propose to carry out a silver tolerance test before this metal is applied in therapy. The test consists in fastening of a silver coin to the internal side of the forearm. Appearance of the skin irritation was assessed as contra-indication to silver application (U.Shah, J.Stram, C.B.Macdonald, 1997).  


This attitude is in fact very important, as there are more people for whom silver is toxic (over 60 percent, according to our data), but they are unaware of this fact (just like physicians) and widely use various methods of treating all kinds of diseases with silver, including applications from silver plates, silver filaments, silver-coated nylon, etc. Of course, these problems need a further more specific research, but today we should deem it necessary to reconsider our attitude both to uncontrolled application of silver preparations and to various nearly inefficient methods of treatment of acute rhinitis, as these methods are based on the search for the most efficient drugs to be useful for everybody, which is impossible in principle, because the search if carried out in an empirical manner, without taking into consideration either the causal mechanisms of disease or the individual features of patients. It is high time for allopaths to abandoned this practice. Besides, as nearly one third of the population are so-called "silver people", they demand another therapeutic approach with taking into consideration of the positive influence exercised on them by the silver ions. Methods of treating them with silver should be deeper substantiated. Therefore, we recommend that everybody who needs therapy for acute rhinitis or considers contacts with silver or application of silver preparations should go through the above-described functional test to avoid toxic damage from silver in case of intolerance to the metal and to choose the adequate drug to treat acute rhinitis.  


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